2011 No. 2 (9)


Research and studies

MARIARITA D’ADDEZIO (University of Udine, Italy)
Safety and coordination of food requirements with energy requirements – novel problems in agricultural law 13

ROMAN BUDZINOWSKI (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland), ANETA SUCHOŃ (Poznań University of Life Sciences, Poland), KAMI-LA BŁAŻEJEWSKA (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland)
Development of agricultural law in recent years 35

DAMIAN PUŚLECKI (Poznań University of Life Sciences, Poland)
The concept of an occupational accident in agriculture – de lege ferenda remarks 61

MONIKA ZBORALSKA (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Free food flow in the form of dietary supplements in view of the judicial decisions of the eu court of justice 83

International law of agriculture

ZDZISŁAW W. PUŚLECKI (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Pol-and)
New phenomena in mutual relationships between wto, the european union and poland in agricultural policy 109

PHILIPPE VELILLA (University of Paris I: Pantheon-Sorbonne, France)
The common agricultural policy and the world trade organization: between the doha round and the dispute settlement body 145

New development in Union Law

KAMILA BŁAŻEJEWSKA (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland)
Support for bioenergy production in eu rural areas in view of legislation proposals concerning the common agricultural policy after 2013 157

Agricultural law abroad

ANNA KAPAŁA (Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland)
Direct sale of agricultural products as agricultural activity in Italian law 179

AGNIESZKA SZYMECKA-WESOŁOWSKA (Kozminski University, Warsaw, Poland)
Regulation of food and health claims in the united states 199

Agricultural law in practice

ANETA SUCHOŃ (Poznań University of Life Sciences, Poland)
Legal forms of holding of land by cooperatives operating in agriculture and in rural areas 226

ANDRZEJ ZIELIŃSKI (Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Poland)
Boundaries of planning control held by a commune in selected verdicts of administrative courts 259