Editorial requirements

A. General comments

1. Manuscripts submitted to “Agricultural Law Review” (articles, glosses, overviews of literature, reviews of judicial decisions, article or book reviews, informative reports) should meet the following parameters: font size of 12 points (Times New Roman), 1.5 line spacing, first-line paragraph indentation of 1.25 cm, justified right and left, page numbering.

2. Use footnotes that meet the following parameters: font size of 10 points (Times New Roman), single line spacing, justified right and left. Number the footnotes consecutively with Arabic numerals, beginning with 1.

3. Do not indent the first line of a paragraph with multiple spaces but by using the indent option.

4. Use parentheses (not slashes) as well as double quotation marks (do not replace double quotation marks with two apostrophes). When using inside chevrons, select the appropriate symbols (i.e. »…«) from the special characters list. Do not use double angle brackets (i.e. >>…<<).

5. Do not place spaces between a word and the following punctuation marks: full stop, comma, semicolon, colon, exclamation mark, question mark. Also, do not use spaces between the opening quotation mark and the first word of a quote and between the last word and the closing quotation mark. The same applies to parentheses.

6. Start every footnote with a capital letter and close it with a full stop.

7. Manuscripts may be internally divided into numbered sections which may be given subheadings. Should it be the case, please be consistent (either give subheadings to all sections or none). None of the subheadings may be the same as the title of the paper. Only two levels of division are allowed (e.g. “1.1, 1.2” but not “1.1.1”).

8. When writing dates, use Arabic numerals for days and years and write months in words (e.g. 1 June 2019). Do not use the verb “dated”, e.g. “dated 1 June 2019”. The correct form is: “of 1 June 2019”.

9. Do not use bold or increase letter-spacing as means of emphasis.

B. Citing legal acts

1. Footnotes for legal acts cited in the text should include their place of publication.  If the full title of an act is given only in the footnote, it should precede the place of publication and be followed be a comma. Additionally, the following rules apply:

  • only indicate the year of issue of Dziennik Ustaw or Monitor Polski (or any other official gazette) if it is different from the date of the act;
  • for “number”, use the abbreviation “No”;
  • for amendments, use the phrase: “as amended” after a comma;
  • for consolidated text, use the phrase: “consolidated text in” (placed before the name of the official gazette).


[for the Act on the acquisition of property rights by perpetual usufructees]

Consolidated text in Dz.U. [Journal of Laws] of 2001, No 113, item 1209, as amended (referred to in this paper as: a.p.r.p.u.).

Act of 3 February 1995 on the protection of agricultural and forest land, consolidated text in Dz.U. [Journal of Laws] of 2017, item 1161, as amended.

Act of 27 April 2001 Environmental Protection Law, consolidated text in Dz.U. [Journal of Laws] of 2018, item 799.

The Aarhus Convention on access to information, public participation in decision-making and access to justice in environmental matters of 25 June 1998, No 78, item 706.

Resolution of the National Electoral Commission of 27 June 2005 on models of tabulating district electoral results used in elections to the Sejm of the Republic of Poland and the Senate of the Republic of Poland, Monitor Polski [Official Gazette of the Republic of Poland] of 2005 No 39, item 532.

Regulation of the Minister for the Environment of 1 September 2016 on the register of environmental damage, Dz.U. [Journal of Laws] of 2016, item 1398.

Regulation of the Prime Minister of 20 June 2002 on the “Rules of Legislative Technique”, consolidated text in Dz.U. [Journal of Laws] of 2016, item 283.

Resolution No 165 of the Council of Ministers of 12 August 2014 on the adoption of the National Programme for Counteracting Poverty and Social Exclusion 2020, Monitor Polski [Official Gazette of the Republic of Poland], item 787.

2. In the case of legislation of the European Union, indicate: the type, number, issuing institution, date of publication, name and place of publication.


1 Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora, OJ L 206, p.7.

2  Regulation No 511/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on compliance measures for users from the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization in the Union (Access and Benefit Sharing – ABS), OJ L 150, p. 59.

3 Council Decision No 2005/370 of 17 February 2005 on the conclusion, on behalf of the European Community, of the Convention on access to information, public participation in decision-making and access to justice in environmental matters, OJ L 124, pp. 1–3.

C. Citing judicial decisions

1. In the case of decisions of national courts, indicate the type (judgment, order, resolution etc.), date and case reference number (preceded by “Ref. No”), abbreviated name of the law report where the decision was published, e.g. OSP, OSA, OSNC, OSNKW etc. It is acceptable to replace the law report name with the reference number used in an electronic database of judicial decisions (e.g., LEX No 15534) or other electronic sources (e.g., IPO, CPOSA).

2. When citing decisions by the Constitutional Tribunal of Poland, indicate the relevant law report (OTK); additionally, for judgments published in 2002 or later, indicate the series (A or B).


 Judgment of the SC of 7 November 2018, Ref. No II PK 229/17, OSNP 2019, No 4, item 46.

Order of the CT of 27 September 2005, Ref. No U 2/05, OTK-A 2005, No 8, item 96, pt II, para 2.

3  Judgment of the SC of 6 March 2019, Ref. No P 20/16, OTK-A 2019, item 11.

 4  Judgment of the AC in Krakow of 23 April 1998, Ref. No II AKa 48/98, LEX No 35155.

3. In the case of decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union, indicate: date of decision, case number (preceded by “Ref. No”), case name, the ECLI and paragraph cited.


Judgment of the CFI of 26 January 2005, Ref. No T-193/02, Piau v Commission, ECLI:EU:T:2005:22.

4. In the case of decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, available in the HUDOC database, indicate: date of decision, case name, application number and the paragraph (para) cited.


1 Judgment of the ECHR of 25 May 1993, Kokkinakis v. Greece, application No 14307/88, para 33.

2 Judgment of the ECHR 6 December 2012, Michaud v. France, application No 12323/11, para 115.

5. In the case of other foreign or international courts, adapt the form of citation to these guidelines. In the case of courts with a universally accepted citation style (such as the Supreme Court of the United Stated), follow that style.

1 Judgment of the ICJ of 27.06.1986, Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America), ICJ Reports 1986, pp. 94–97, paras 176–181.

2 Judgment of the ICJ of 6.11.2003, Oil Platforms (Islamic Republic of Iran v. United States of America), ICJ Reports 2003, pp. 196–197, para 74.

3 Judgment of the Court of Arbitration of 8.07.2016, Philip Morris Brand Sàrl (Switzerland), Philip Morris Products S.A. (Switzerland) and Abal Hermanos S.A. (Uruguay) v. Oriental Republic of Uruguay, ICSID Case No ARB/10/7, para 235.

4 Dennis v. United States, 341 U.S. 494 (1951).

5 Competition Appeal Tribunal, BSkyB v. Ofcom [2012] CAT 20, para 84.

6 Dunsmuir v. New Brunswick (2008) 291 D.L.R. (4th) 577, 602 (Can.).

7 Judgment of the Federal Constitutional Court of 30.06.2009, BVerfGE 123, 267.

D. Bibliographic footnotes

1. Referencing books

The form of footnotes should follow the pattern: author’s first initials and last name, title of publication in italics, place and year of publication, page number or range. In the case of collective works, follow the pattern: first initials and last name of editor (or editors), abbreviation “ed.” (or “eds.”), title of publication in italics, place and year of publication.


1 R. Budzinowski, Problemy ogólne prawa rolnego. Przemiany podstaw legislacyjnych i koncepcji doktrynalnych, Poznań 2008, p. 35 ff.

2 J. Ciechanowicz-McLean, T. Bojar-Fijałkowski (eds.), Prawo ochrony środowiska jako warunek prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej, Gdańsk 2009, p. 91.

3 S. J. Shapiro, Legality, Cambridge 2011, p. 115.

H. Kelsen, O istocie i wartości demokracji, trans. F. Turynowa, Warszawa 1936, p. 41.

2. Referencing book chapters

The form of footnotes should follow the pattern: author’s first initials and last name, title of publication in italics, “in:”, then follow the pattern for collective works (see above).


1 A. Szymecka, Prawne aspekty działania systemów bezpieczeństwa żywności w Unii Europejskiej oraz Stanach Zjednoczonych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem organizmów genetycznie modyfikowanych, in: S. Kowalczyk (ed.), Bezpieczeństwo żywności w erze globalizacji, Warszawa 2009, p.166.

2 L. Garlicki, uwaga 2 do art. 194, in: L. Garlicki (ed.), Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Komentarz, vol. IV, Warszawa 2005, p. 2.

3 A. Mączyński, J. Podkowik, uwaga 3 do art. 194, in: M. Safjan, L. Bosek (eds.), Konstytucja RP, vol. II, Komentarz do art. 87–243, Warszawa 2016, p. 1284.

3. Referencing journal articles

The form of footnotes should follow the pattern: author’s first initials and last name, title of article in italics, title of journal in double quotation marks, year of publication and issue number (e.g., 2015, No 3), page number or range (if applicable). Include volume number only if the journal is not published regularly (e.g., 1992, vol. 11, No 4). Foreign descriptions of the year, volume and issue number should be adapted to conform with the Polish standard. Do not abbreviate names of journals.


1  R. Budzinowski, Przyszłość prawa rolnego, „Przegląd Prawa Rolnego” 2009, No 1, p. 10.

2 E. Zwierzchowski, Z zagadnień legitymizacji sądownictwa konstytucyjnego, “Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis” 1997, No 1963, Prawo CCLVII, p. 10.

3 J. Waldron, Judges as Moral Reasoners, “International Journal of Constitutional Law” 2009, vol. 7, No 1, pp. 21–24.

4 H. Kelsen, Wesen und Entwicklung der Staatsgerichtsbarkeit, “Veröffentlichungen der Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer” 1929, No 5, p. 30.

5 S.A. Schneider, A Reconsideration of Agricultural Law: A Call for the Law of Food, Farming, and Sustainability, “William & Mary Environmental Law And Policy Review” 2009, vol. 34, p. 234.

6 W. Pańko, Ochrona gruntów rolnych, czyli o sprzeczności interesów i ich kojarzeniu, “Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny” 1985, No 4, p. 17.

4. Repeated citations

  • When citing a work for the first time, include a full citation.
  • If a work has already been cited and is the only work of this author cited in the paper, use the Latin abbreviation cit.
  • If a work has been cited and is one of multiple works of the same author cited in the paper, include the following: the author’s first initials and last name, shortened title, page number or range.


1 R. Budzinowski, Problemy ogólne…, p. 125.

2 W. Pańko, op. cit., p. 45.

3 W. Wróbel, in: W. Wróbel, A. Zoll (eds.), Kodeks…, p. 32.

4 L. Garlicki, uwaga 3 do art. 194, in: L. Garlicki (ed.), Konstytucja…, vol. IV, p. 4.

5. Citing online sources

When citing material published on the internet, indicate:

  • document title in italics or author information and document title (in italics); in the case of documents issued by institutions, include the institution’s name and text title (in italics),
  • website address,
  • in parentheses: the word “accessed:” followed by date of access.

In the case of blog posts, author’s name and the post title should be followed by the blog name and date of publication.


The System of Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012—Central Framework (SEEA Central Framework), https://unstats.un.org/unsd/envaccounting/seeaRev/SEEA_CF_Final_en.pdf (accessed: 20 September 2017).

M. Bernatt, Effectiveness of Judicial Review in the Polish Competition Law System and the Place for Judicial Deference, https://ssrn.com/abstract=2896823 (accessed: 13 May 2019).

European Environmental Agency, Urban sprawl in Europe – the ignored challenge, EEA Report No. 10/2006, https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/eea_report_2006_10 (accessed: 30 March 2018)

For the current number of ratifications of the protocol, see: http://www.coe.int/en/web/conventions/ (accessed: 2 February 2016).

Resolution of the Supreme Administrative Court of Poland of 27 April 2016, http://www.nsa.gov.pl/komunikaty/uchwala-kolegium-naczelnegosadu-administracyjnego-z-dnia-27-kwietnia-2016-r,news,4,309.php (accessed: 26 August 2016.

4th Sejm, Sejm print No 368.

6. List of references

Include a non-numbered list of all cited literature in alphabetical order by author’s last name.


Budzinowski R., (2008), Problemy ogólne prawa rolnego. Przemiany podstaw legislacyjnych i koncepcji doktrynalnych, Poznań

Krüsken B., (2017), TTIP – Folgen für die Agrarwirtschaft?, in: Härtel I. (Hrsg.), Wege der Ernährungswirtschaft – global, regional, europäisch, Baden-Baden.

Armeni C., (2016), Participation in environmental decision-making: reflecting on planning and community benefits for major wind farms, “Journal of Environmental Law” No 28(3).

7. Other comments

  • indicating names of publishing houses and edition numbers is not necessary;
  • please make sure to use the correct phrase when dedicating your paper (e.g., “in memory of”, “in honour of”, “on the 60th birthday of”, on the anniversary of” etc.);
  • use the phrase “for more on this, see”;
  • use the Latin abbreviation “” (instead of “vide”).

In case of doubts, please refer to one of the latest issues of Agricultural Law Review.