Requirements for submitting manuscripts
1. Before submitting a manuscript for publication, we ask authors to read, in addition to these Guidelines, the information contained in the Publishing Policy section on the Journal’s PRESSto page.
2. “Agricultural Law Review” has adopted and implemented the principles of publication ethics consistent with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines and recommendations regarding the publication process ( The ethical principles focused on publication in scientific journals can be found in the Publishing Policy sectionat By submitting a manuscript to the editor, authors declare that they have read these rules and undertake to comply with them.
3.Author’s Representation regarding granting a license to the works and a consent to the processing of personal data (PPR Author’s Representation) must be attached to the application for publication.
4. Requirements concerning the size of submitted texts:
- 20,000 to 42,000 characters – articles
- up to 25,000 characters – glosses
- up to 12,000 characters – reviews
- up to 12,000 characters – informative reports
5. Requirements for submitted manuscripts:
Submissions should contain all of the following elements (in the order given below):
- title
- abstract: maximum 300 words, in Polish if the text is in this language, or in English if the text is in a language other than Polish
- keywords: 5-8
- footnotes referring to all sources of published legal acts and to the publications listed in the bibliography
- a bibliography – a list of cited literature in alphabetical order by the author’s surname, without numbered items
- information on any sources of financing (e.g. from a grant)
In addition, the following information about the author should be provided by filling in the relevant sections in the Open Journal System (OJS):
- name, surname, title or degree
- scientific and/or professional affiliation
- contact telephone
- e-mail address
- ORCID number – this can be obtained free of charge by creating an account at (For more information on ORCID, the international system for identifying authors of scientific papers, and instructions for creating an account:
6. Manuscripts submitted in languages other than Polish must be proofread and corrected in advance by professional translators or proofreaders who are experts in the language concerned.
7. Requirements for abstracts. The abstract should include: the purpose, the thesis of the article, the main issues, and the conclusions. It should help readers decide whether the full article is worth reading. Abstracts are also used to index articles in Polish and international scientific databases, so they should contain key words and phrases that facilitate the search for relevant content. It is advisable to use short sentences that clearly and concretely describe the problem addressed in the article. Please do not use multi-word phrases or provide information and definitions that are not included in the article. Do not include citations or any other references in the abstract.
7. Material for publication (in separate files: text and author information) should be submitted via the ‘submit text’ tab on the Journal’s website: