Research and studies
WALDEMAR CZTERNASTY (Poznań University of Economics, Poland)
Dilemmas of the cooperative form of management in Polish agricul-ture and rural areas in light of contemporary needs and the potential of its development 13
ADAM ZIELIŃSKI (Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sci-ences, Warsaw, Poland)
The greenhouse gas emissions trading system as a form of regulating agricultural production 37
IZABELA LIPIŃSKA (University of Life Sciences in Poznań, Poland)
The legal issues of farm animals welfare 63
ANNA KAPAŁA (University of Life Sciences in Wrocław, Poland)
Legal determinants of receiving support for an agritourism business from the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 79
ANETA SUCHOŃ (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland)
Impact of EU policies and European Union Law on the development of agricultural cooperatives in selected EU Member States 95
JUSTYNA GOŹDZIEWICZ-BIECHOŃSKA (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland)
Support for agricultural activity in the Natura 2000 areas in light of the Common Agricultural Policy 121
DAMIAN PUŚLECKI (University of Life Sciences in Poznań, Poland)
A supply or insurance nature of agricultural social insurance? 139
ELŻBIETA GAJEWSKA, PIOTR IWASZKIEWICZ (Agricultural Property Agen-cy, Warsaw, Poland)
Family farms in the system of agricultural property trading in Poland 159
KATARZYNA LEŚKIEWICZ (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Po-land)
The legal concept of food 179
ŁUKASZ MIKOŁAJ SOKOŁOWSKI (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland)
The development of legal regulations on new food 191
New developments in the European Union Law
Przemysław Litwiniuk (Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland)
An active farmer – a new beneficiary of the direct support available within the Common Agricultural Policy 211
Agricultural law abroad
ELOÍSA CARBONELL PORRAS (University of Jaén, Spain)
Unity of the market and territorial decentralisation in the agro-food sector in Spain: the meaning of Act No 20/2013 of 9 December 2013 229
TRINIDAD VÁZQUEZ RUANO (University of Jaén, Spain)
Dependencies between commercial law and agro-food sector in Spain special focus on advertising and unfair competition 245